Alexander Caminada Landlinks

Alexander Caminada

I had little idea of the impact the River Severn would have on me both personally and as a photographer. Prolonged visits, consisting of solitary walks lasting several hours, have felt like an exploration of both creative and emotional spaces. It has also been a discovery of a diverse and powerful landscape. The might of the river is perhaps most noticeable at Stonebench. When a high tide turns and forces the river to reverse its course, huge amounts of debris, consisting mainly of tree trunks and branches, accentuate the water’s incredible speed of flow. What travels upstream will return downstream again a few hours later. No doubt, some objects will go back and forth for several days (weeks, months, forever!) before they get caught by the riverbank or are washed out to sea. What struck me was that these and many other events I had experienced, continue even when I’m not there. This eternal cycle of processes constantly happening, makes me feel peripheral and somewhat insignificant. Yet, being there to witness it, feels hugely rewarding. The Severn River is a personal project of undefined duration and endless range of subjects.

Alexander Caminada is a professional photographer and musician


Derelict railway carriage. River Severn. Aust. Gloucestershire. United Kingdom.
Early morning sun through fog. River Severn. Westbury-on-Severn. Gloucestershire. United Kingdom.