Billi London-Gray Landlinks

Billi London-Gray makes installations, videos, sculptures, books, zines, buttons, sound compositions, social exchanges, walks, photos, and drawings that examine how we succeed and fail at living out the ideals of equality. As a member of the feminist collective Sister Death, she shares labor, rides, Mansplaining Bingo cards, cheeky GIFs, and other forms of empowering encouragement. She lives, works, and serves two cats in Arlington, Texas, where she is an adjunct assistant professor of hustle at the University of Texas at Arlington and a volunteer deputy voter registrar for Tarrant County.

On March 22, I had been self-isolating for 9 days following a trip to an area with covid-19 cases. My county had not started lockdown yet, but the university I worked for had already gone 100% online “until further notice.” Toilet paper and Clorox wipes could not be found.
Knowing this project would use an event score, designed in a far different setting, gave me hope that I would see my familiar places with new eyes. The pandemic also transformed my vision. As I explored this uncanniness, knowing I was in sync with others doing the same, I recorded voice memos, images, and data points — a cull to handle and examine later.
For Landlinks, I’ve composed an essay in video form. Its sections correspond with the movements of the event score. I composed music for each section using notes randomly generated by the corresponding #what3words locators. It’s been meaningful to create something I value from these rule-based processes. I find myself taking comfort in rules now: Wash your hands. Wait outside. Wear a mask.


Start: bombard.supposed.wash

Stop 1: selling.backdrop.banter, servers.lowest.oldest

Stop 2: pegged.safest.hands

Stop 3: scars.escapes.rear

Stop 4: infants.avoiding.pipe

Stop 5: nets.division.scary

Stop 6: bump.card.elects

Stop 7:

Tea: evening.sliding.phantom

A rule-based process to help generate music used in each section of the essay.
A media map to compose the essay.